The amazing architectures, endless sky scrapers.
The gigantic ferris wheel, the boat on top of a hotel.
Designer boutiques left and right.
Bright lights, the hottest party places.Exotic ladies, legal prostitution, a man made beach.
The value of money.
Lust for social significance.
The good life.
Unforgiving and impatient employers,
Atrocious scent from strangers as dark as the endless subways.
Canned meals 4days a week, chicken rice 3days a week.
Gadgets instead of the classic street games and old fashioned past times.
Bulky muscles and false eyelashes makes you beautiful.
Weekly crazy night outs, over priced cancer sticks and a bottle of vodka are your emotional outlets.
Go crazy over tfc, go insomniac tweeting and surfing fb.
Go out on a Sunday to see Manila in Singapore.
You could be Myanmar, Malay, Chinese, Japanese, even an Angmo, and they could not even tell the difference.
The world contained in a single place.
The lahs, the orredis, nehminds corrupting your system.
Cultural differences.
Even talk about the cold Christmases.
The non-pyro new year.
Birthday spent while bleaching the floor.
Hearts day without your heart.
They think you're earning gold,
But the truth is you're in a stand still and just getting old.
Living a life for someone else is quite heroic, brave, risky and could be potentially dangerous for your mental and emotional state of mind if you never read the instructions manual.
It takes a lot of guts and a pair of huge balls to get through every single day.
A ticket back to reality, a simple paper that says home is the only cheat code to solve the puzzle and put together the missing pieces.
A video call on skype, long distance messsages and phone calls,
Just doesn't feels like the real thing.
1 is equivalent to 33.
There was never an instructions manual for this,
You just left your heart somewhere else.
-i never thought i'd be one of them, but yeah, i am a filipino working overseas. An OFW. and this is not another out of the country vacation.
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